
  1.  What, if any, is the importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions”?  How does the term strengthen or weaken the argument?
  2. We’ve moved from the language of theology to the language of law.  Is this a strategic move?  How so?
  3. What, if any, are the parallels between the national plea for women’s rights and the international one?

23 thoughts on “#2

  1. 1. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is that its dealing with women’s rights and making women more powerful as men. This term strengthens the argument that women are weaker because its encouraging women to be more powerful and this term was a grand movement for attaining civil, social, political, and religious rights of women. That is why this term strengthens that argument and why the term is important because its making women to be more powerful and its gaining more rights for women.


  2. 1. The term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is important in that it defines exactly what the aggrieved party is dissatisfied with and what they would like to see changed and how. It is important for them to define and explain the terms of their sentiments and resolutions so that there can be no confusion among the audience of the document as to the intention of the group. The term might strengthen the argument of the women at the Seneca Falls convention in that it announces in itself that the women are putting forth a set of opinions and proposed actions to solve the enumerated issues. On the other hand, the term might also weaken the women’s argument in that it may only be seen merely as a declaration of specific opinions and a proposal for resolutions, but immediate action may not be perceived as necessary. Moreover, any individual accustomed to and comfortable with the status quo might perceive the “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” as a blasphemous joke because women were not supposed to have a voice to begin with. Perhaps, then, to include the word “sentiments” in the title would be a drawback to the goals of the group, and maybe instead they should have called it “reminder of the facts”.


  3. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is that it signifies a change in women’s fight for their rights in the USA as well as power being taken by women who were once the weaker links. This term weakens the argument because the definition of sentiment basically means an opinion, the declaration of an opinion might not mean much to people because they’re just opinions. Because women were seen as weaker and having less power, the term sentiment is not very powerful, especially for a whole gender trying to make a change. However, the fact that this declaration is full of resolutions and for the equality of both men and women, that would be the stronger part of the term Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions.


  4. 1. The term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is important because it shows that women are starting to talk about their dissatisfaction about the grand inequality between the genders in society. However, the term shows the weaker side of the argument because it seems like women are just talking and not fighting. That they are just stating their opinions and in that time period, even now, men did not seem to care much about women’s opinions. It’s amazing that there was a step toward the fight for equality. Perhaps it would have been more impactful if there was stronger word choice.


  5. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is crucial to the essay in providing power behind it. The power behind the sentence comes from the use of the word “Declaration”. By doing this, the word “Declaration” shows that the sentiments of the Women behind the movement are being asserted on the reader which shows strong commitment, just as the word “Declaration” was used in the title of The Declaration of Independence. After the sentiments are declared, they are then explained in the resolution aspect of it so that there is no confusion as to what is demanded. This fortifies the strength of the argument while keeping it clear and to the point.


  6. 1. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is it refers to change for women. Women would gain their rights and would be seen as equal to men. It became evident that women equally had a strong purpose on Earth and that God indeed had a plan for them. The term strengthens the argument because it shares the main idea of the argument which is the sentiments and resolutions that improve the life of women and help reverse the inconveniences that they endured when men had absolute tyranny over them.


  7. The term“Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is very important because it clearly states what the women at the Seneca Falls Convention were fighting for and what their opinion was on the matter. The term gets the point across in a way that makes people take women more seriously. I think the term can both strengthen and weaken the argument because “sentiments” means an opinion or an attitude towards a certain situation. Therefore the women that are fighting for their rights do not sound that assertive if they are simply voicing an opinion. On the other hand, the term does strengthen their argument because they are providing resolutions to the problems that they are bringing to peoples attention. The “resolutions” part really strengthens the argument by showing people what can be changed and proving that these women know what the are fighting and the change they want to see is possible.


  8. The term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” brings light to the unequal gender gap in America. It reveals the hypocrisy of the inclusion of inalienable rights in the “Declaration of Independence”, when there still remains a plethora amount of issues regarding the equality of the sexes. The word choice, however, is very misleading because it disposes the issue raised as merely just an opinionated suggestion that is no need of a hastened action.


  9. 1. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is to advocate for women’s rights. It was explained that in the Declaration of Independence that the founding fathers paved a way for everyone to be treated equally. However there was always a group of people left behind or treated less than another group. Unfortunately, women drew the short end of the stick. Throughout history, women were treated as the “less than” group. Due to this lack of equality, women faced many impediments over a long period of time. Women wanted change. Their goal was to finally receive the same rights as men. The word “sentiments” found in the term previously mentioned can be defined as a feeling or emotion. Unfortunately, there are individuals that use this to their advantage to degrade the importance of women’s movements. While the term puts forth the opinions that women have towards the treatment they are getting, shows the world the inequality between men and women and explains how it should be improved others see it as the “Document of Opinions”. This supports the argument that women are treated like the weaker gender because their movements are thought to be based solely on opinions while there are countless everyday events that support their claim of inequality. If men had a movement for gender equality, people would say they are stating “facts” even if their whole argument is opinion-based. Why? Because they are the “superior” group of individuals and are viewed at a higher standpoint than women and that should not be. Regardless of the opinion of others, this document helps pave the way for gender equality and will continue to support the movements of women. As long as the opinions are supported by factual evidence, the arguments are valid and will continue to strive until women get the treatment they deserve.


  10. 2. I do think that moving from the language of theology to the language of law is a strategic move. It’s a strategic move because all though many people do take religion very seriously, people take laws even more seriously because if a law is not being followed there a major consequences are given at that moment, rather in religion the consequences are given in the afterlife. Not only is it a strategic move because of the importance of law, but in law there is political power. With more political power, its an easier way for people to get involved in women’s right, the reason being that if people of higher standing show their support, not only women but men will also support a law to be passed. Moving to law gives the movement a spotlight, and will most likely spread all over the news paper and any source of media during that time period. People will pay more attention to it as well because they will want to have a say in what is going on with their country.


  11. 1. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is that it sheds light on the issues that women are fighting for. In a way it makes a proposal for women to have more equality towards men. Women have more rights and are allowed to express them. The term strengthens the argument because it gives resolutions to the problems and issues that are proposed, such as Seneca Falls. It overall shows proof that what they are fighting for is something that can happen and be changed.


  12. When we previously talked about the injustices placed by men on women, and the impunity that men received, we learned about the superiority of men over women and how this sort of sense of entitlement fueled some women to make a stand against men who promulgated these egotistical and self inspired laws and regulations of the Catholic church that have degraded women through men exercising despotism. Now, as we clearly read “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions,” we are suddenly enlightened with a more assertive and bold statement on the argument. This essay gives the argument strength because it challenges the usurpation committed by men that of which degraded and lessened the morality of women. This usurpation has given men the opportunity to practice the evils that presents itself as temptations in power and position that which should not be tolerated any longer. I agree with this essay on the grounds of equality: that all men and women are equally created. I agree that we as human beings equally have the right to pursue a righteous and moral cause for the sake of everyones pursuit of justice, liberty, righteousness and happiness and the responsibility of everyone to know and adhere to the Scriptures laid by the Creator for the purpose of fulfilling the perfect design of God. This also includes supporting women on receiving the liberty to teach in public and private places. This essay strengthens the argument and provides a definite resolution to the issues surrounding our topic.


  13. The significance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is in the power of the words used. The people of the Seneca Falls Convention were not merely appealing to the government for gender equality, they were declaring and taking hold of it. The document also mirrors the Declaration of Independence in its format and wording (“We hold these truths to be self evident that all men and women are created equal…”), which would have appealed to the men who had passionately fought for/seen their forefathers fight in the battle for Independence from Great Britain. It may have been done to show that they were still oppressing half the population of the country they had founded on supposed principles of fairness and equality, as this had a good chance of striking a chord with them.


  14. The term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is vital to understanding the purpose of this Declaration. It is referencing the Declaration of Independence and referring to the similarity between the tyranny of Great Britain over the colonies to the oppression of men over women. It was written by Elizabeth Stanton in the same month as the Declaration of Independence of the same year, 1848. The Declaration has many texts that are copied exactly from the Declaration of Independence with major changes in the context. For instance, it states that “we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal;” by the addition of “and women” it is directing the Declaration toward women’s rights. Furthermore, the list of “he has” changed completely to point to men as being dictators over women.

    The term, “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions,” strengthens the argument. By referencing to the Declaration of Independence as much as possible, it sends a message that this Declaration should replace the Declaration of Independence or it should be modified to show how the rights of women are as important as the rights of men since both are human beings. Also, the resemblance between the despotism of Great Britain over colonies and tyranny of men over women strengthen the argument. The purpose of the Declaration of Sentiments becomes clear, which is that before the colonies demand liberty from another country, they should provide women with their liberty and equal rights as men, so when they demand independence, they are not being hypocrites. In other words, if the colonies are not providing women their freedom, why should they ask for their liberty from Great Britain? Overall, the term, Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions strengthens the argument by providing a strong message to the Founding Fathers in regards to women being equal to men and therefore deserve their equal rights and liberty as men.


  15. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” stands as an acknowledgement that there are issues in women’s rights. I believe that it strengthens the argument, that all women and men are created equal, and not one less than the other. The term is able to highlight the main points in which women are often being degraded, or coming second to men. The term serves not only the issues, but the solutions to these problems that the women of the Seneca Falls Conference see fit as well.


    1. “We hold these truths to be self – evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” the argument declares that woman are equal and are to be treated as such, with equal rights and the same treatment everyone is entitled to in this country.


  16. 1. The term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is important because it shows that women are gaining equality. The people of the Seneca Falls Convention were stating the gender equality would be achieved. The Declaration of Independence was also recreated when it says: “…all men and women are created equal…” The term strengthens the argument because it gives support to women trying to teach in public and private places as well as strengthening the argument by showing that people can change and that women do know what they are fighting for.


  17. 1.
    The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions was created at the Seneca Falls convention in 1848. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the social, civil, and religious rights of women and the lack thereof. Interestingly enough, this connects to the Second Constitutional Congress who met to write the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The title, “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is a directly connects to the Declaration of Independence.
    The historical background of the Declaration of Independence is basically a list of grievances in which the colonists felt as if they were wronged. Their civil liberties were breeched upon by the King of Great Britain and in return, they sent the Declaration of Independence to him.
    Similarly, in the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions there are ‘lists and grievances’ explaining why women feel that they are not receiving certain unalienable rights. Stanton, Cage, and Anthony discuss how there is a lack of representation in the sense that women cannot vote or hold there own property. This connects to the way colonists felt about their lack of representation in Parliament. Also, parts of both declarations are exactly the same. Such as, “We hold these truths to be self – evident: that all men and women are created equal;
    that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are
    instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This is just one sentence in which the yearnings of both the colonists and women-advocates match.
    Continuously, the word “sentiment” is defined as a feeling or emotion (Merriam Webster), while “resolution” is defined as a solution to a problem. Women from the Seneca Falls convention felt strongly about their natural rights which were being withheld from them, and decided to give a list of solutions to fix these problems. Therefore, the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is not only powerful, but also is a direct parallel to the Declaration of Independence.


  18. 1) The Declaration of sentiments and resolutions was arguably the most significant document to call for the advancement of woman in the 19th century focusing on the social, civil and religious rights of women. This was made famous at the first convention in 1848. On the first day of the Seneca Falls convention, Stanton began the declaration with the proposition “all men and women are created equal.” This term strengthens the argument it highlights the main focus in which women are always coming second to men and are not as powerful as men. This shows women have knowledge in what they are fighting for and are becoming more powerful with men.


  19. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is that it reveals the injustices in the society, and government in a nutshell. This term strengthens the argument, because in the first part of the “Declaration of Sentiments” it states the issues that women have to deal with. Therefore it creates a tone that “villainizes” men, such phrases like “the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty”, which gives the audience a bad connotation. In the second part “Resolutions”, it shows how each problem can be resolved. This part of the declaration gives off an encouraging feel, because it states how women are equal to men in every shape and form. Therefore giving the declaration a more powerful feel, strengthening the argument.


  20. The term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is a truly important term because it describes the purpose of the Seneca Falls Conference that took place during 1848. The Declaration of Sentiments describes the attitudes and regards of the women that were a part of the conference, here they pointed out certain scenarios where men had a certain power over women. For example, it states men have compelled her to laws but to laws that she has no voice to. The next part is the Declaration of Resolutions; here it states how things have blossomed in bringing the same equality for women and men. For example, “that woman of this country ought to be enlightened in regard to the laws under which they live”. This term strengthens the argument because it shows the downside of things and also brings up the positive insights of every thing so far.


  21. The importance of the term “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is women are finally being seen. Before women were seen as objects for men. Now women are fighting for their rights and equality between both genders. Women are no longer scared to fight for their rights. As women, they see that everyone should be equal as something obvious, and not something they should have to be fighting for. In the article it says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.” This shows that from a beginning men and women should have been equal. But now women aren’t holding back on what they believe in. They are expressing the way they feel, no matter the expense. In my opinion I think it strengthens the argument because women are showing society that they are going to stand up for how they feel. Also at the end of the essay they show that they have solutions and ideas on how women and men could be equal. This also strengthens the argument because it shows that women have a plan. In the end it is important because women are no longer in the dark. They know that they have the same capabilities of men.


  22. The language of theology is very complex due to the many different religious beliefs that exist around the world. Many people are entitled to their religious point of views and it creates conflicts rather than creating action to help solve the issue. Moving on to the language of law it helps bring many people from different beliefs to express their opinions towards women rights and it also creates a sense of an actual solution to an issue. For example, with a set of laws rather than theological questions there are many more voices involved because religion is not in the picture. In the language of law as an example is stated, “We hold these truths to be self – evident: that all men and women are created equal.” Basically, the language of law is created by a form of a government and is not as much involved with religion which helps individuals view the actual significance of what women rights consist of. The form of a government creates discipline among society, on the other hand religion necessarily does not due to the different beliefs that exist. Moving on to the language of law is strategic because solutions are being made rather than assumptions, in order to understand that women and men should have the same equal rights.


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